Tonight is my last day of school this semester, and I am so glad to be done.
I'm pretty much sick of the schooling. It's taking up all kinds of time I could be using to do other more constructive things, and I'm not sure that it's really worth it.
Tonight, for example, I could be going grocery shopping with Berta and Abby. Sure, I sometimes miss the mundane things. There was a time when I would do a good bit of grocery shopping just stopping for a few things every couple of days when I came home from work. What happened to that?
Anyway, it's the Management final. 50 true/false questions, 6 essays. I already know what the questions are. He told us in class. I am going to take a few minutes to review my book before the test so I'm not as completely caught off guard for this test as I was for my philosophy final. What a mess.
I don't expect to do well on this management test. I'm really not invested in it, as you could probably tell from my tone here so far. Maybe it'll be easy. It's more likely that I'll have no idea what I'm doing. Yay!