A few weeks ago, I ordered what I thought would let me connect my camera to my telescope for a little night-sky photography. Taking effective photos of the night sky with a digital camera has long been something I wanted to do. Sadly, the ring I ordered does not fit the bill.
I’ve been trying to figure this out for quite some time now, but there really isn’t a single place that explains the process completely and gives you instructions for accomplishing the task. So here’s the deal.
How the heck can I connect my Canon Rebel XT to my Meade EXT-70AT?
I assume that two parts are required. One adapter from camera to t-adapter, and one from t-adapter to telescope. I just can’t figure out the correct pairings.
If this is not possible, I might just use the EXT-70AT as a finder, and get a slightly larger telescope to connect the camera to. I’d love to have something with greater than 4" optics. Like 8"!