I know I’ve mentioned that Berta is ready to spew forth a child at any moment. It’s now getting down to the wire, with only - count them with me - eleven days until imminent DOOM!
I probably shouldn’t describe the due date as “imminent DOOM!” huh?
We tried to fit the old car seat into the new docking station (I gave the old base to Mahesh so he’d have an extra, since we weren’t planning on Kid Two at that time) last night, and had limited success with it. That is, the seat will sit on top of the base, but not actually attach. This probably has something to do with the base being Graco and the seat being Evenflo. I bet that this is a gross purchasing error on my part, but I’m sure I can find some other patsy to take the fall.
As a result, we’re going to need a new car seat, which we should probably get this weekend.
Berta has gone whole hog in trying to prepare the house for grazing four-legged human baby beasts, which is weird because it’s going to be a year before we need to worry about that. What I would like to concentrate on is uncluttering our bedroom a little so that tripping over baby junk and clothes baskets is no longer a regular feature of my day-to-day. But in this department, I’m all talk.
We should probably restart Abby’s baby indoctrination. We’ve slacked off of the new baby books and such, probably because we started in with them too early and became bored with them. We should probably do more to get her ready because she’s started this “crying about every little thing” process that is really grating on me, and I don’t know if I/we can take the crying from both kids at the onset.
I used to think Abby was doing this crying for things because people were giving her what she wanted if she cried a little, but I’m coming to believe this is just a “phase”. And so Abby is having her first truly recognizable “phase”. Ah, that’s my big girl.
Speaking of Abby, I need to sit her down and have the candy discussion. You know, the one where you explain maximization techniques for the consumption of candy. Tootsie Rolls are ok, but given the choice between a Tootsie Roll and a Reece’s Cup, I think the choice is clear. Eat all of the good Halloween candy before it goes bad, and hope that Christmas chocolates roll in before the left over Tootsie Rolls get hard and moldy.
And remind me to keep some Tastykake pies around the house so that I can reward her for finishing her dinner, which she still doesn’t do. I’m really hoping that vegetarianism isn’t something that you can be genetically disposed toward, because she just won’t eat meat these days - unless it’s deep fried in batter, bite-sized, and made entirely of chicken by-products.