
I used to work with a Chinese woman named Lucy. She was a “programmer” too, and Chinese in the way that one is born in China and speaks English as a second language. I’m just trying to visualize this for you - no prejudices here, at least not to Chinese folks or women.

After many weeks of working together on different projects, I learned that this woman’s name was not Lucy. It was, in fact, “Li”. She had been introduced to me as “Lucy”, and I was calling her that for the weeks that I had known her.

Why didn’t she say anything when I called her by the wrong name?

A few days later, the boss caught her stealing some source code.

Although I’ve never considered it, I would imagine that stealing source code from a place that you work is something that you could do fairly easily. I probably wouldn’t take a lot of effort to prevent yourself from getting caught. Simply copy the source onto a disk and stuff the disk in a book or pocket or something. Zip and email/upload, even. So how did she get caught?

She was having difficulty loading the crate of paper into the back seat of her car and the boss saw her. I kid you not.

There’s a moral in here somewhere. Maybe two or three.