When I looked at my GoDaddy account last night, I was sure I’ve been on crack for the past year - 39 domains. And those are just the ones at GoDaddy. Surely there must be some projects I’m “working on” that people don’t know about. Let’s see what I can share.
Before I go on let me say this: Will someone please redesign GoDaddy’s site? kthxbye
I’ve got a couple of domains for the kids. I’ve been trying to convince them to start a little video project, reviewing movies. I thought that a low-impact introduction to the web with a movie review site would be interesting to them. They could watch a movie and tell the camera what they think. Getting them into the idea hasn’t been successful yet. I did get Abby to make a video about the cats that I have not yet put online. Whether this is something that you could do (or want to watch) regularly, I can’t say. That’s two domains.
There are the domains you know about that I talk about with reasonable frequency. This one, for example. Red Alt. My astronomy book wiki. The microwiki software site itself. The gift registry site. My personal web “business card” site. That’s six more.
I use midnightcircus.com these days only for email. It used to house my roleplaying site.
I talk about Pastoid a lot, my URL-shortening and code-pasting site. I have actually registered four domains on GoDaddy for Pastoid – .com, .net, and .org plus pastio.net. On a different registrar, I’ve registered past.io, too. That’s five domains.
I’ve got a slew of Habari-related domains, many I’ve not told people about. Two of the more interesting ones are habari.me and habari.us. Rent on these two domains is now double what it once was. All told, five domains.
Then there are the esoteric projects that don’t get enough love for lack of time. Stonepath.org, my task management and deployment project. I have a domain to replace my lousy homeowner’s association site with something good. devlunch.com is to be a site geared toward getting developers together for lunch, like a meetup.com for lunches. I’ve reserved fluttr.com for a another Flickr-related project I’m building, something much bigger than Kubrickr. almostfriday.net used to house my Almost Friday episodes, which I intended to expand upon, but then interest waned and the host went wonky. kobolds.com is the intended destination for an online game that I’d eventually build. onyxmirror.com is the intended destination for the roleplaying game that I’ll eventually write. I registered secretagentchallenge.com recently to revive a feature of the old midnightcircus.com site as a podcast. jetalt.com may eventually be a new blog software, if “Fall 2006” ever arrives.
There’s a domain for Berta’s wiki, where she puts addresses and dates and records information about random household things. I have another domain for Berta that she’s using to organize her all-too-frequent family reunions. I’ve got a redirecting domain, stabity.com, for Brian’s Livejournal site.
I have two domains that I use exclusively to test junk, chr0n.com and cr8er.net. You’d be surprised how often these come in handy, especially when testing pingbacks and such.
There are two domains that I registered for clients ages ago, and it’s just been easier to register them year after year than bother calling them and trying to get them transferred.
I’ve still got the registration for the old qrke.com domain for some reason.
There are two domains I have for projects I don’t talk about. And one domain for something I’ve not decided to do anything about yet, which seemed like a good idea at the time, but after years of sitting on it, just seems vindictive and pointless. It’s kind of like walmartsucks.com but much more creative and has nothing to do with WalMart. I might just let that one expire.
And then I’ve got a domain for the house, so I can easily connect to home when I’m away. DynDNS for the win!
I think that’s all 39. I should go for 40, just to make it a round number.