
This is a video of Abby using sign language to ask for more ice cream.

More Ice Cream, Please

This movie shows abby eating a few spoonfuls of black cherry ice cream.  Of particular note in this clip are her use of the spoon (which has improved quite a bit since the filming of this) and the signs she makes to indicate that she wants more.  We've been trying to teach Abby "baby" sign language for words so that she can tell us what she wants until she can actually speak the words.

The "more" sign is usually either done by gathering all of the fingers of both hands into points and touching them together, or by laying your left palm flat and face-up then tapping the gathered right hand fingers onto the palm.  Abby's variation has her tapping her left hand, which remains vertical, with the gathered fingers of her right. 

She gets a little sloppy with the sign toward the end of the clip, but I guess she figures we must understand because we keep giving her what she's asking for.

Abby also frequently makes signs for bath and diaper-change.  She knows signs for a number of other words, like bird and cold.  We're currently trying to teach her "outside" which is something that we think she would like to say if she knew how.

She can actually say a lot of words and recognize what they mean.  She does occasionally say "more", although it sounds more like "mo".  She's very keen on the word "banana".

Check out the video.