Valerie has a mouse. Yikes.
There was a mouse in our basement recently (this year), but we put a stop to that. Apparently, he had figured out how to climb up from the basement through the holes for the sink drain, and hang around inside that cupboard (leaving -ahem- “evidence”) until we all left, and then would sneak out into the kitchen and have his fill. He had also left clues to his presence out in the garage, but I think that he was out there before he decided to make himself a resident of the house.
Of course Pooh, our lap cat, did nothing about the issue.
Glue traps. Set an example by leaving the mouse there for a little while. I’m the same way with icky crawly bugs with lots of legs. Squish them and leave the splotch there for a while to scare the others.
I’m told that bug brains aren’t big enough to understand this, but it makes me feel superior. Perhaps I’m just a psycho.