I took Abby to Best Buy last Friday to look at the digital cameras.  I had been reading on Steve's Digicams site about many of the cameras, and found one that I wanted to take an up-close look at.

The Canon Powershot A70 was the target of my camera search.  The features that I liked were numerous, but I specifically liked the small form factor and the simple Auto mode for taking automatically calibrated pictures.  I liked the operation of the camera in the store, and since I'm not known to waffle on purchase decisions I bought one.

I don't have pictures of the camera itself, which I should take before the other camera (a Sony Mavica MVC-CDR200) is sold, but I do have some pictures that I have taken with the camera.  You can tell that I like the panorama stitching mode of this camera.  It's my favorite new feature.  Anyway, here are the sample photos.  The thumbnails here are in B&W.  Click one for the full image.  Note that all of these files are very large.

This is a panorama from the couch of our toy-addled living room:

This is a panorama that I took in Johnstown of one of the many abandoned steel mills:

I searched for this comic book store in West End only to find that it's closed on Sunday (this picture was taken in high-res):

Abby uses a calculator to try to turn on the TV at GrandPap's (seated, left side) house: