Ja wrote me to ask if there were any meetups closer to him in North Jersey than having to trek the whole way down to ours in Philly. I told him that there were a lot of people who were interested in such a thing, but that there wasn’t an official organizer yet, and so there was no meetup.
Well, apparently, he’s trying to get something going, and I figured I would give him a boost by posting some details about what you need to do where it would get some good exposure.
If you’re interested in attending a WordPress meetup in NYC, then someone’s going to have to take charge:
- Sign up as an organizer by clicking the Start a Meetup link on the NYC WordPress Meetup page.
- Fill out the requested information about the meetup.
- Find a good place to host the meetup
- Select a date.
- Announce the meetup (tell me and I’ll be happy to throw some noise behind it)
- Attend!
Sadly, I could do almost everything in that list myself just to get things moving, but I don’t want to organize your meetup. Besides that, picking a good metup location for a non-native is really hard. Someone’s going to have to take the reigns and run with it.
If you have interest in a NYC meetup, comment here, or just post your interest using the link to the NYC meetup page. Maybe with your help, Ja can figure out what more needs to be done to get this thing moving.
And if you do become an organizer for the NYC WordPress Meetup, please change your meetup date to the third Saturday of the month, so that I can fulfill my dream of moving United WordPress Meetup Day to the same day that Philadelphia holds it.
Although, if you do hold it on an off-day, I might be able to drive up and attend them every so often. That in itself is a good reason to change the date to coincide with ours - to prevent me from crashing your party!
If you’ve craved a WordPress meetup in your area, maybe you should post your interest on the meetup site. At least that way, you could gauge how much interest there might be, and then start organizing on your own.
It really doesn’t take a lot of effort to organize a decent meetup. I barely do anything but tell everyone where to go, and I don’t even pick that so much any more, as the demands of the attendees pretty much determine that. The point is not to fear starting something up something new. It might take a while for it to catch on, but it’s really great when it gets going, and I know a lot of people have enjoyed and been helped by meeting other WordPress users in person.
It’s all about the community, folks.