I had written before about the Marriage Amendment to the US Constitution. About how it does not explicitly deny states the ability to grant similar rights to homosexual couples as to heterosexual couples. Well, Pennsylvania lawmakers are forging ahead with insanity and codifying discrimination into our laws.
You can’t make laws to tell someone how to behave unless their behavior imposes on your rights. Since homosexual coupling is not affecting you personally, you have no business telling anyone that they can’t do it.
People who improve the quality of American character by creating families of support should receive benefits from the government for doing so. If you create a loving home for your own or adopted children, the government should encourage the support you provide, which would otherwise be more costly to subsidize. This encouragement in the form of tax breaks and other benefits shouldn’t be denied to anyone who produces a healthy home environment.
Anyone who says that gay couples can’t make as healthy a home environment as straight couples needs to review the statistics.
I’ve been trying to figure out what rational explanation a person could give for opposing gay marriage in terms of its meaning to our government, and nothing comes to me. Where does all this hate come from? Why do we need to write it into law?