I had a most amazing experience today. At lunch I finally stopped at a place that I’ve been eyeing for months. It’s a “traditional” barber shop called “Shaving Grace”.

I’ve been needing a good haircut for weeks now, my last cut falling woefully short of adequate. My bangs have been falling forward onto my forehead in an annoyingly straight line. The most remarkable thing about the woman who cut my hair was not her skill, but the hacking smoker’s cough she’d erupt into occaasionally. Ick.

So this barber shop… In the lobby were pool tables, comfy leather couches, and boxes of cigars. See? Not so much a hair stylist as an actual barber. A good first impression.

Deeper in it gets better. A couple of attractive ladies invited me in and asked how they could help me. I inquired about getting my hair cut, and they referred me to their menu. Agreeing to the price, she called Jody, a male barber, who came to take care of me and offered me complimentary drinks (yes, including beer).

I should emphasize that apart from the luxurious accommodations, Jody was a deft barber. He was not the usual “I cut my friends’ hair” chick that fills most of those hair “studios”. He actually used the straight razor for several operations, drawing no blood whatsoever.

This was the most satisfying haircut I’ve had since college.

I think I’ve found someplace I can go regularly for my hair needs. An in fact, I have resolved to return for their shave services, at least to try it, and possibly to make it a monthly regular practice. Their year “subscription” plan seems quite attractive, and might make an interesting Christmas gift for a man with hair grooming needs.