On the whole I’m fairly happy with producing two minutes of audio every hour. And I know you’re probably thinking, “Only two minutes?” But yeah, two minutes is pretty darn good for writing the whole thing and recording it, I think.
What I would really like is to get at least a couple more calls on the hotline: +1 484 237 4202
I need little endorsements for my ficticious product, Lemonsol, which will be worked into the audio. I was hoping to get them into the 9pm post, but I would kind of need them before I record it, and I’m trying to write the script for it right now. So if you’re thinking about it (Luka?) please hurry!
I’m trying to think of interesting things to say about producing the audio, but there isn’t much to it. I’ve been recording the voice tracks usually in a single take, sometimes two. I just restart when I mess up and then use Vegas to edit out the broken parts. It’s pretty simple, really.
I’ve got a system down for plugging the intro into the audio at the start and then selecting one of my background tracks that I recorded from the MadPlayer earlier.
One thing I do have to fiddle with is the MadPlayer audio volume. I just can’t get the level on that thing to be steady. Maybe because it runs off of battery? Anyway, I’m always tweaking the audio in Vegas before it goes out so that the background isn’t overpowering. If I do this again (Almost Friday, not Blogathon - and I’m almost assuredly going to do it again) then I’ll be sure to run it through Cakewalk to get the sound at the same level for each file.
Maybe I’ll post a raw audio file of the voice track so you can hear how bad I screw up, and then you can be convinced that any soul with a good software track editor could do something like this.
Of course, if you’re a podcaster, you’re just saying, “Yeah, I do that every week/day, it’s nothing special.” Ok, you go ahead and think that with your little unprepared, unrehearsed, less-than-poignant talk shows. It’s really easy when you have someone to talk with and something (like technology or the news) to talk about. It’s not so easy sitting in a room by yourself with an abstract topic and an hourly deadline.
Be impressed, darn it! :)