Well, there's been great email discussion regarding my personal dislike of D&D 3.5 rules. I really don't want to have anything to do wtih them, but it seems like I'm the only person that doesn't see an advantage to using those rules.
Might this be a case of each member of our group assuming that all of the other members wanted to use the new rules, even though they did not want to themselves? And as a result, they suggested using the new rules to appease the other players? And as a matter of suggesting, they simply went out and bought the 3.5 books, figuring that's where we would end up anyway? And now everyone has the new books already and wouldn't want to go back for having wasted the money on the new book? I am so delusional.
I insist that I make some time this weekend to go to the gym. It would be helpful to know the weekend hours, which are not the same as the weekday hours. It's open 24 hours on weekdays, see.
There are also some things I would like to accomplish with my computer, that is, installing the new power supply. Yes, this is the second power supply that I have blown on this same system over the course of the many years in which it has served me. I am happy that it has lasted this long, but do not look forward to removing the computer from its cozy place between my desk and the wall and unscrewing things that can easily go "fzzzzt" when reassembled.
I was blog hopping today, and stumbled across another one of those teener sites. I'm amazed by the art that they manage to cobble together in Photoshop for use on their sites. I wonder if I sat down for long enough if I could reproduce some of it. It takes a reasonable amount of effort to change Asymptomatic when I want a different look. I'll have to look into addressing that.
There is something severely wrong with Asymptomatic's RSS feeds. I know what the problem is. It's the stinking image show script leaking onto the feeds. That will have to end soon.
I really want to spend some time with Abby. As usual, I don't know how to entertain her in a way that doesn't bore or exhaust one of us. Ok, bore or exhaust me. I hope that I'll eventually think of something good. Maybe more of a series of activities?
I need to take more pictures of things to put online. I want to try some fancy stuff. I saw this thing online where you take two pictures that are slightly spaced and you flicker back and forth between them to create the illusion of 3 dimensions. It's quite cool.