I’ve noticed a strange upshoot in new and updated plugins released around the WordPress 2.0 milestone. That’s probably a good thing.
Something that was conspicuously left out of the WordPress core (yes, it was on purpose) was a way to manage Roles as an administrator. Well, add this Role Manager plugin to the list of new WordPress 2.0 plugins.
Note that this plugin does not really do anything but manage roles. If your blog has no need to maintain Roles (for example, if you’re the only author) then you don’t need this plugin. But if you have plugins that depend on capability levels, or you want to manage groups of user permissions, then this will allow you to do that.
More details about how the plugin works and what you can do with it are available on the documentation site. This includes not just the admin user interface, but also instructions for how your plugin can cleanly add new capabilities to WordPress that the Role Manager will display in its interface.
Many thanks to David House who helped with a substantial bit of coding on this one.