That time of year is upon us. Walking into Stadium Grille today, I had to convince myself that the white flakes that were falling from the sky were late season milkweed and not that other white stuff of which we won’t speak.
I keep asking Abby what she wants for Christmas periodically to see kf she’ll give me an answer other than the perpetual and impossible to obtain Baby Alive, a doll with giant eyes that eats, drinks, and performs other, um, interesting functions. If only Abby wanted some thing we’d already managed to obtain, or even something that wasn’t selling for twice its retail price on eBay.
Riley, in my mind, is an easier shopping experience. This year’s project for him is to accumulate a big set of GeoTrax, FisherPrice’s train and car set. It’s like Brio or Thomas but not mass-marketed and actually cool. I want my own.
Berta shopping was surprisingly easy this year. Being that she’s the only one of the above that can read, I won’t mention what I got her specifically, but I know she’ll like it.
Everyone else need to make a list. We’re still using, but even if you email it, that would be nice. Remember Pat’s motto - no list, no gift.
Hmm… Maybe I’ll stop by the toy store after lunch.