
Riley hans’t been feeling well the past couple of days.

He was reasonably happy when I came home from work yesterday, but soon afterward he started to cry. And when I say “cry”, I don’t mean a few tears rolling down his face or the little “Waah!” that they draw over cartoon babies. I’m talking about the good-old full lung capacity, wrack his little body, rip your ears off with sound kind of wailing that only a child of his size can muster.

He continued to do this for quite a while.

I’m not sure how Berta remains so patient with him. Not that I’m not, I just get really agitated when he’s crying. I’ll do anything to make it stop, and when I can’t, I start to get angry. I worry that I’ll be mean to him, but I never am, and usually end up handling things as coolly as one would hope. Still, it makes you want to step outside and scream. A lot.

Meanwhile, Abby has been a trooper. Wihtout the usual atentions of Berta at night, I’ve been taking care of Abby’s bedtime needs. Tooth brushing, reading stories, tucking in, etc. It’s fun when Abby is cooperative, and she has been moreso lately with Riley wailing. I’m glad, because I couldn’t have two kids screaming like that without coming out of it completely insane.

Riley’s fever went up to 100.9 last night. We gave him some infant Tylenol, and an hour later it dropped to 100.1, so I was still a little worried about him. Thankfully his temperature dropped and he seems reasonably happy this morning. Of course, the mornings always seem to start out ok, so I hope he’s not in a new crying fit this evening.