Abby and I have no school today because of the weather.
Abby not having school is a little inconvenient because we don't have daycare arranged for her otherwise. Thankfully Nana was willing to watch her this morning. I suspect that on days that Abby's school is closed due to weather, Nana won't be doing much travelling. Not that I'm presupposing Nana will watch Abby on those days, but the likelihood is pretty good.
The fact that I don't have class is going to be a problem. Our teacher has already said that we will be hard pressed to fit everything he needs to tell us into 14 weeks (that's 1 week short because of our day off for MLK day) and I suspect that it will be even harder to learn it in 13.
I suspect that Philosophy is one of those things that you don't even start getting into performing it until you've taken several semester-long classes. And it's likely to be one of those non-paying disciplines. Like Economics.
These disciplines seem like good backgrounds for other, paying jobs. Like going from economics to management, for example. I can't think of any jobs where having a degree in economics alone would be very worthwhile. Perhaps if you were a contractor to a bank? I'm not sure.
Anyhow, I should probably take my evening to read up on some more Managment stuff and play around with the Threshold competitor a little more.
I wonder if my notebook can hit the WiFi from my managment classroom (A203). Not that it matters too much because I could never get it to connect when I had a signal, anyway. If I could, then I could connect to my home computer and (after gating through much security) use the Solo Cometitor installed there for practice or something. I feel more ambitious than other member of my group/company seem.
I think a little industrial espionage is required. Perhaps I should recommend to my company that we listen to the other groups talk for a little while before deciding what to do. Since the reason this simulation is hard to beat is because you don't know what the other groups are going to do, we should find out what the other groups are going to do to help us win.
I have serious ethical issues.
I have other things to talk about, but I want to save them for a new article. See it here soon. (I might not publish this new one to email, so if you wanted to read it, you'll have to go to the site.)