Your kid is seventeen. He asks to borrow the car. You have some misgivings but after discussing it with your wife, you both decide to give him the keys.That night he puts the car into a ditch.
He’s OK. The car is still driveable. But you’ll have to shell out the $500 deductible to have it repaired.
A week after it comes home from the shop, he asks to borrow it again.
You take notice that the kid’s room is a toxic dump which has spread to the family car, and that he pays all of his friends to tell you lies about where he was going when he wrecked it. You’d also notice that his school attendence record is poor - he still doesn’t know how to pronounce nuclear - and that everyone he comes in contact with is scraping by on the bare minimums of test exams. Meanwhile, while you decide what to do about the car, he’s installing video cameras and patting you down to make sure that when you leave you’re not taking the keys out with you to sell the car to some Muslim guy across town you’re not sure even exists.
What do I do? I pray that come November when his 15-year-old brother turns 16 he passes the driving exam, because I’m going to let him use the car.