I was running Werewolf on Saturday, when the girl across the table says to me "Hamlet sucked".
And I had nothing to say to her for a moment before I told her she wasn't allowed to play any more. Her argument was simple that everyone's death could have been avoided if people hadn't been "stupid". Seriously, I couldn't think of how to respond to her except to tell her that she couldn't roleplay in my game any longer.
These folks are the ones I got to the Renaissance Faire with, and I get pissed off because all they want to do is go to the chinese food booth (Chinese food in Elizabethan times?? While I'm sure that Chinese people ATE, I'm sure they weren't eating in England...) or buy fried mushrooms (which are good, but isn't the point), and could take a pass on the axe throwing, plays, human chess, and live jousting because it suits them not to do any of this even though they have all paid to get in. I don't see the point in paying a $20 cover to get into a place with no tables to buy and eat $2 fried mushrooms.
Sure it's not as cut and dried, and I am being harsh, but still! If you don't appreciate Hamlet (which is so much more accessible than MacBeth, I don't care whether you think MacBeth is "better") how can you appreciate the Renaissance Faire? It's not even a like or dislike thing, it's a sense of appreciation.
It's not as if that's what the Ren Faire is all about. Brian always had a good time there without going ot the plays, but he usually dressed, too. He kind of fits in that milieu. I don't think he would enjoy Elizabethan England because there is no electricity, hence no computer games, but I think he would get along well socially with the people of the time.
It's almost like a carpenter saying that saws suck. How can you do that?