Man, I hate it when people disable the right-click on web pages. There are useful functions there that have nothing to do with stealing your crappy code!
Just to prove the point, here is the code that I stole from your site with your ridiculous attempt to keep me from it. Note that the line that includes the script that is supposed to protect your page is still there, highlighted in red. Man, that's annoying.
<html><head><title>&rea's Entropic Paradise: PA Files: PA Towns</title><base href=""><META NAME="description" CONTENT="How familiar are you with Amish town names?"><META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Lancaster County Pennsylvania Amish Hex Signs Paradise Intercourse Blue Ball Fertility"> <script Language="JavaScript" src="noright.js" TYPE="text/javascript"> </script></head> <body text="black" link="#ff0000" vlink="#f75431" bgproperties="fixed" bgcolor="FAF0E6" background="img/paback.gif"><a href="">&rea’s Entropic Paradise</a> : <a href=“pa”>Pennsylvania Files</a> : Pennsylvania
<embed src=“img/chime.wav” align=“abstop” border=“0” width=“128” height=“40” autostart=“true” loop=“100”>
<table width=85%><tr>
<td><font face=“rockwell”>
<center><img src=“img/chimelg.gif”> <img src=“img/wilkum.gif” alt=“Welcome Hex Sign”> <img src=“img/chimelg.gif”></center><p>
I live in a very interesting area, known as Pennsylvania Dutch Country. Around here things like hex signs (one of which is displayed at the top of this page) and Amish buggies are not uncommon. We call chickens “hinkels” (so guess what the annual “<a href=“" target=new>Hinkelfest</a>” celebrates) and eggs are “gockies”.<p>
In addition, we have some very “suggestive” town names. It will make you contemplate just <b>what</b> was on the minds of these early PA Dutch settlers.<p>
So, sit back, enjoy the relaxing tempo of the wind chime, and check out these towns along with the distance you are from them right now, at my home in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Oh, don’t mind the smell. That’s just cow manure in the fields.<p><center><table width=300>
<tr><th><font color=“black”>Town Name</th><th><font color=“black”>Distance</th></tr>
<td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>Intercourse</td><td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>38</td></tr>
<td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>Paradise</td><td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>48</td></tr>
<td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>Virginville</td><td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>40</td></tr>
<td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>Blue Ball</td><td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>31</td></tr>
<td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>Fertility</td><td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>28</td></tr>
As you can see, when coming from the proper direction, Paradise <b>is</b> just past Intercourse!<p>
Now that you’ve taken in those names, it will be easier for you to misconstrue these seemingly innocent town names into something less than respectable.<p><center><table width=250>
<tr><th><font color=“black”>Town Name</th><th><font color=“black”>Distance</th></tr>
<tr><td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>Puseyville</td><td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>63</td></tr>
<td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>Bird-in-Hand</td><td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>31</td></tr>
<td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>Bareville</td><td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>32</td></tr>
<td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>Mount Joy</td><td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>22</td></tr>
<td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>Mountville</td><td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>27</td></tr>
<td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>Lampeter</td><td align=center><font color=“red” face=“verdana”>31</td></tr>
Oh, by the way, PA Dutch folk are actually of German descent, not Dutch.<p><center><table border=3 width=75%><tr><td><font face=“rockwell” size="-2”>Hex sign is borrowed from <a href=“" target=new>Will-Char - The Hex Place</a>. The chime sound file is my own. You may freely link to this page but right click has been disabled to prevent uncredited use of owned materials.<p>