Has anyone else been waiting for the Kyocera 7135 to finally come to market?  Is anyone else extremely disappointed that the phone only works with Alltel service?  Where is Alltel based out of that it doesn't cover the Philadelphia area?  What a crock.

Here, I have been waiting for a convergence device to replace my Visor Prism and Nextel Phone.  I really like my Prism, but I find it unsatisfying to have to carry around two pieces of equipment all the time.  Besides that, I'm looking for a lower-priced solution to the Nextel phone that will let Berta and I share minutes and not pay through the nose.

I was hoping that the new Kyocera phone would work on the Verizon network, which is local and reasonably cheap.  That way, Berta an I could both get new PDA/phones and within a year the money that we saved on the service fee would more than cover the costs of the phone hardware.

Well, the phone is CDMA, so it should work on Verizon's network.  I suppose that after Kyocera is done screwing around with Verizon over contract prices and such that they'll probably open their network for these neat new phones.  Until then, I'm stuck with two units, their chargers and adapters, no MP3 suport, and no wireless email.