
Today I added an RSS newsfeed to Asymptomatic, which you can read by clicking the little orange XML doo-dad on the left side of the home page.

What can you use this for?  Well, if you had a web site like this one or this one, you could include articles from my site on yours.  Wouldn't that be entertaining?

I also finally figured out the stinking mod_rewrite thing.  I as missing a line or something.  Now, all of my articles appear as if they are house on separate static pages, when in fact they are produced dynamically.  To search engines each page looks like a separate file, but there is actually only one file producing all of that output.  In fact, this whole site amounts to about 4-5 real files, plus PageCat.

I'm planning on making some changes to the home page to make the right-side column more compact.  That way, I can include more junk to read.  Yes, MORE CONTENT!  Woo Hoo!

I'm in a weird mood.  I think maybe I'll call it quits for the day.  I'm watching Angel (recorded) while writing in the living room.  This whole setup is kind of surreal.  I'm wirelessly connected to the house network and through to the internet, but I have connected to my desktop via the terminal services client and am using the web on there.  Well, I thought it was strange.

Angel tonight was pretty darn good, by the way.  Joss is finally getting his game back, I think.  If only he could nudge Buffy a little.