Over the weekend I downloaded the full Teen Titans second season. I’ve been recording it in the afternoons, but it seems like they keep repeating episodes from the first season, so we haven’t seen anything new in a while.
Abby likes to watch Teen Titans while Berta of I comb her hair at night. It gets her to sit still during this complicated process. Otherwise, it might be impossible.
Teen Titans is probably the best cartoon on TV these days. It’s based on a comic book from the 60’s that gathers several teen sidekicks of major superheros. Unlike this poor IGN review, I think that Teen Titans has a lot of style. Granted, the comic may have been completely different, but different writers have license to remake comic properties with varies results. Maybe the series is a bit “cartoony”, but that’s one of the things that I like about it.
In spite of seeming like an empty no-frills cartoon, the show manages to spin some deep plots. Unlike the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle animates series (which is also nothing like its origins), the characters actually have some depth. I have a hard time choosing any particular favorite from among the five, but Berta and Abby tend to favor the goofy teen Beast Boy.
I keep trying to tell Abby that the Tten Titans are so much more cool than the Power Rangers that her friends at school emulate. I tell her that she should pretend to be a teen titan rather than trying to fill a ranger suit. I don’t really “get” the Power Rangers. It’s after school fluff with hardly any story. Bad guys show up and the Power Rangers beat on them. Yawn. The only thing that it might have is the live-action aspect. I wonder if parents really think they’re better off putting their kids down in front of Power Rangers than a show like the Teen Titans just because they’re real people.
Thankfully, Abby has good taste in cartoons. She’s a big fan of Kiki’s Delivery Service and Castle in the Sky. Plus, she’s discerning when it comes to Disney movies, too. For example, she intimated to us the other day that Beauty and the Beast is her favorite Disney movie. That’s not too bad of a choice. As long as it’s not Hercules.