Yawn. You comment spammers have lost your innovation. I’ve been using the same technique to block you for the past week, and you still haven’t caught on. Weirdly, I know you’re reading this, and yet I still taunt you.
Well, all this time you’ve been wasting sending comments that will simply never appear on my site (and what the heck does “get eraaced man” mean anyway? and what the heck does it have to do with “texas holdem” or “debt consolidation”?) , I’ve been designing more effective ways to keep you away. In fact, I already know what the weak spot is in what’s working to keep you out, and have already plugged that hole and more.
Not only that, but the server that you’re pointing everyone to has shut down your account, and it’s just a matter of timeuntil you use an open proxy that lets me access its logs so I can see the IP address of where you’re originating and fry you. So it’s really just pointless, isn’t it? Oh, yes, I check the proxy of every single IP address you use…
Feel free to increment my “spams deleted” counter, though. That’s helpful.