So I've started going to the gym. Actually, I've been there once. It took me a couple of weeks to get in because I signed up and they were supposed to call me to arrange an orientation, but they never did. So I took it into my own hands on Saturday and showed up on my own. And when I sat down at the complicated looking sycling machine, I had no idea what I was doing. So I asked for help and things started falling into place.
I got a guy (I think he might have been an owner or partner) to show me enough equipment to get started. They had quite a few machines there for working out. The ones that I tried were strength and cardio related. They all worked pretty well.
The gym has interesting dual-axis machines. They are interesting because you have to use muscles to move the machine in two directions. In particular, you might have to extend your arms forward against resistance at the same time as moving your hands toward each other. This makes the workout much more difficult, but more worthwhile. For example, I compared the single-axis machine to the dual axis machine that had one of the same movements (basically something for pectoral muscles), and the dual axis machine was harder even though it used only half the weight!
After I was done my simple little workout, I started on the treadmill. It started pretty easy and got a little more intense. One of the nice things about the mills and many of the other cardio machines at this gym is that it has a built-in heart rate monitor. That way, you can track your heart to make sure you're in the right zone for good heart fitness. This is a good thing.
After I was done, I made an my orientation appointment. I will be working out tonight with Mary. Mary looks a little scary in that built-up muscle gym-person kind of way. I don't know that I want to look that "cut" (as she says), but anything is better than the current shape of things. No more need be said about that.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to the pain and sore muscles that tonight might bring. Maybe I should add some kind of feature here so I can track my progress at the gym. That would be interesting. I was thinking about doing a similar thing with the gas mileage of my new car, so it seems a semi-valuable feature.
I should probalby offer my services to the gym, since their web site is devoid of content and could really use a schedule to report the times of all of their classes. It would be reasonably easy to set up a PHP thingie to track that sort of thing. Yet another feature for PageCat to handle? Hmm...