In the Standard Hotel lobby, behind the reception area, there is a large glass enclosure. Inside the enclosure, hanging from the ceiling, is a makeshift claw apparatus. This claw is not unlike the claw you might find in a midway game to pick up stuffed creatures to deposit in a chute as a prize.

Like the midway game, this claw enclosure is filled with stuffed white teddy bears. Also like the midway games, there is a single special prize that everyone attempts to grab, but nobody ever seems to accomplish, leading to much profit for the midway operator.

In the case of this claw machine, the special prize is a live girl in her underwear.

No, I was not able to get a picture of the girl in the case. The guy at the counter frowned upon that. But I did try, for which I think points should be awarded.

Instead, I surreptitiously took a couple of photos of the tank during the day using my camera phone If you look closely, you can see the claw and perhaps the heads of a couple of bears poking their noses up to the glass. Sorry, no half-nude girls.

But if that sort of thing floats your boat, the Standard Hotel has your number.

I have more to write about the Standard, including a much better photo of something that I think epitomizes the entire establishment, both of the ambiance of the place and of the quality. But I will expound later, since I am now completely exhausted.