It’s been since October with these Habari people, and I’m totally through. It’s not worth it any more.
Day after ceaseless day, the agony of having decisions by committee… It’s finally gotten the best of me. I thought I could handle it, but it’s just not working out.
The latest straw to break this camel’s back is the rush to release the Developer Review. I’m not sure what the all-fired hurry is to release software that is obviously not ready for prime time. Nevermind that we could have released at the end of January had we not wasted all of our time bickering over logos, default themes, HTML vs XHTML, and other irrelevant claptrap. 100+ messages about whether Habari should use HTML or XHTML. I mean, is that really necessary?
People have questioned whether the team could really pull off the release, and I told them, “No, no, we’ve got a great team. We’ll release something soon.” And I said that every day for months, and nothing happened. And then, out of the blue, they want to release this codeset? Forget it!
Well, clearly, I can’t use WordPress any more, and I can’t use Habari, so my only other option is to go it alone. So, here’s my big news…
I’ve been working on a separate project for a few weeks now, but I haven’t said anything because I hadn’t really committed to it. But I’ve finally had enough, and I’m ready to announce it and maybe throw off those Habarians’ developer release. My solution is more robust than Habari simply because I’ve not had to put up with the committee approval on every decision.
I’ve gotten a couple of folks to fly my banner, including skippy, and we’ve set up more support for our users in two weeks than Habari has even considered since October.
So, I’m kind of sad to see Habari go, but I’m glad to be rid of the bureaucracy. I hope people are as welcoming to ForkPress as they might have been to poor, doomed Habari.