It seems that Alyson Hannigan is going to be on TV again. I don’t think this show sounds like something I will watch just because she’s in it, though.
Wasn’t there a show or a movie or a miniseries about someone in a group of investigators who does not experience fear? What was that show? It was something that I had meant to preview and never did.
Today’s TV should be exceptional. First, I’ll be watching last night’s Veronica Mars. This premiere season is a new TV addiction for me.
Also tonight is a new episode of Lost and the season premiere of Alias. I’m anxious to get back into Alias, which is going to run for two hours. I enjoy watching Lost, but I’m not really excited to learn about Boone, the lifeguard with the snobby sister. Hopefully, tonight’s episode will paint him more interestingly.
Finally, West Wing is on again tonight. I used to really look forward to it, but these days it’s floundering. I hate to see Martin Sheen go because he plays a good president. And I’m not anxious to see Jimmy Smits as president. I was kind of hoping that Josh would campaign for Alan Alda’s character. Oh, well.
Next Friday should be a good day for TV, too, with the new SciFi shows. I wonder if Battlestar Galactica will be worth watching. Is there a new Enterprise on this Friday? Nope. Next week, maybe.