Well, it looks like I’m back into the old pattern of watching TV. What was good this week?
Well, Lost was different. I forefaw this devolving into a Lord of the Flies sort of thing from the first day, and now you’ve got your two camps - the hopeless optimists and the sheltered survivalists. Hopefully something happens next week that puts them all back together.
Something that was somewhat disappointing about this week’s episode is that there wasn’t really a supernatural thing. The bee thing was funny, although I’m not sure why Kate had to take off her shirt. It seemed gratuitous. And why am I complaining…
Also, West Wing is sucking this season. I’m not sure what happened to the dialogue. Maybe my brain has aged too much to follow along, but I’m thinking that there was a writer change. The talking in these recent episodes is incomprehensible. I can’t believe they left him in the woods.
Smallville was interesting. Eventually the trick of having everyone affected by something conveniently forget that things went wonky is going to get old. Just like the Clark/Lana thing got old. I’m wanting the football coach to contract a fatal kryptonite disease and go all postal on Clark. Oh, wait, we did that episdoe already.
I watched an episode of Veronica Mars the other day. That’s a pretty good show. I’m going to have to figure out when it’s actually on and record it.
I’m very glad that Dean wasn’t a prominent figure in the last Gilmore Girls. Isn’t it tiring to watch them? There wasn’t anything special about Dean before. He was a nice guy, but that’s about it. And Rory shouldn’t be messing around in Stars Hollow when she’s got all of those guys to choose from at Yale. I’m anxious to see where this secret organization comes into play.
Gah, reduced to writing about TV. That stinks. Hopefully we’ll do something Halloween-ish this weekend.