It's a conundrum.
Even though it doesn't look like it, I've been writing things for this web site all week. Some of the things I've written have been really critical of some things that people that read things here probably wouldn't like to hear. Far be it for me to alienate my 3 readers.
Usually, stuff that's too controversial gets a PageCat Status Level of 20, which means that it doesn't end up in the RSS feed, and doesn't get pushed out to the mailing list. Stuff that's safe to consume gets a Status Level of 30. I think (but am not sure, with the infrequency with which I use this setting) that a rating of 15 keeps the article off of the home page, but puts it directly into the archive links. The stuff I've written this week still has a rating of 0.
I'll have to figure out a way to display all of the stuff I have written for my own consumption. Maybe at another location?
I've been considering redesigning the site a little, anyway. I think I mentioned this before. I want to have a section that has fast, small news bites, and then update the full-page articles less frequently, starting to get my site to behave more like a blog. Not that I like the whole transient blog concept, just that I can keep things more fresh with a smaller window to fill.
Note that it has taken me no time at all to fill in this space so far.
People have also complained that there are no categories to my writings, which might be helpful in finding things. And Dave recently commented that he didn't want to sift through my whole web site to read one thing, as if it's vast expanse of endless content. Dude, I just wrote the thing yesterday- It's either on the home page or in the list of the last six things I wrote at the top left of the page. Grr.
I've been considering discussion forums, but I don't really want to have open discussions. Nor do I want to waste my time trying to figure out what topics I want to host and talk about. Nor do I want to recruit posters for the message boards, etc. etc. I've had friends say they would participate in such things, but I would rather set things up so that they could contribute directly to the site.
Maybe I should institute thread-based comments, like LiveJournal, but that look better. I'm not a big fan of avatars. Maybe that's why I don't get a lot of posters here - lack of avatars. It's more likely because I require a login to post. I'll have to consider this issue again.
One of my overriding goals with the redesign would be to cure the CSS skinning once and for all so that I can create new designs without rewriting the HTML. You either don't understand this and don't care or understand this and don't care. So I'm not sure why I wrote it down except that I'm now spewing filler for some reason.
Anyway, if you were at all curious why there wasn't much content this week, it's because I haven't been granting access to it, not because I haven't been writing.
As soon as I figure out how to word last week's D&D scenario, you'll see that go online. Hopefully, soon, since our next game is tomorrow.