Ugh. There's nothing left to do. Actually, there's plenty but there's no motivation here.
There is this particular feature that I need to add to PageCat, like, now, but I can't bring myself to start coding on it. Truthfully, I have begun coding on it, but I only got as far as seeing how complicated it would be before I just kind of dropped it.
What I should really do is follow along like this new book I read about talks. (Did you follow that?) There is a book by Mihaly Csikszentimihalyi called Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. It's all about how people are happiest while involved in their work to the point that they fall into a "flow". There have been times when I've been coding that I've been in the zone and just kept going and going and when I later go back an dlook at the work I wonder, "Man, who coded this sweetness?" But those times are so rare any more. Mostly because I just don't have the time to code any more at work or home.
Anyhow, what I should do is find my way to the zone and complete this stupid PageCat feature. Maybe I can get some other PageCat stuff done while I'm at it.
There are some things coming up. This weekend is my Werewolf game. Adam, our pack Galliard, will not be present for the game. This is ok, since we've gotten through with the basic preliminary stuff. I don't foresee huge combats where Chase's fighting skills will be requires for the pack to survive, so it should be ok if he's not around. Actually, it'll be nice having a smaller group. I have some ideas as to how things can go which might make it interesting for the players.
After last episode's petering-out toward the end, I think I need something to keep everyone involved. The thing is, there is such a lack of enthusiasm about this every other-other week game that it's all I can do to remind the players of what happened last game, much less get them interested in their characters long enough to play the current game. It's almost a waste of time.
There has been some talk about a Buffy-like PBEM, but I haven't heard anything more of that since the last time it came up. So I wonder if it will pass by without incident. Probably not.
I will need to review the Buffy official rules to see if there is anything intersting in there that I would like to adopt to my Sundown PBEM style. I'll have to recruit some players, too. Hopefully only 4 or so this time, since last time I had, what, 8? 9? That was too many. Too much work.
I am suddenly stricken with the overwhelming desire to go to Red Robin for dinner tonight. That would be fun and tasty. Maybe I should suggest it to Berta, and we can meet up there, since Abby's school is up that way. Hmm...
My work computer is making awful noises. It is driving my completely out of my mind. I don't know how I can work with this incessant warbled buzzing. It doesn't stop. It whirrs and buzzes and flutters in speed and it's just irritating beyond words. I've been suffering with this noise since before the Atlantic City trip.
On one occasion, Jim came into my office and heard the noice as he was looking at my screen and asked, "What's that?" To which I replied, "It's my computer." I followed that with some whimsical comment like, "It's a wonder I can get anything done in here with the noise." He just kind of let the whole issue slide. I guess he didn't realize that the whole repair would cost about 20 minutes and $12. Anyhow, there's a new CPU fan en-route which should arrive tomorrow afternoon. Assuming I can retain my sanity for that long, things will quiet back down in my office.
Alright... Well, I suppose that some PageCat reconfigging should take place. I will want this new feature to keep track of some important things, so you will probably all enjoy it. I should also start on the gift-list registry. I want to route everyone's lists through Amazon, since I get a kickback from it. Woo hoo.