Wouldn't it be great if you could just get a few signatures to get on the presidential ballot? Thse who got more signatures could be toward the top, that's fine. Maybe only the top 20 or 30 candidates would appear. But the media would be forced to provide equal time to each candidate on air/in print to hear their views.
I recently took some online poll to determine who I would like to vote for for president in 2004. I wasn't very happy with the results because all of the candidates only supported half of my positions. What a crock! Isn't there a candidate that supports all of my ideals? Now there is...
Winkler in '04 - The Campaign
If you're running for office and my ideals come close to yours (within a few points), feel free to leave a comment and I'll gladly join your campaign.
Here we go... The Platform:
Taxes and Spending
I would cut the current federal spending by eliminating excess in programs that were conceived during the recent economic boom. If we were doing without these programs before, we can do without them now. Regardless of whether taxes increase or decrease, it is utterly vital that our country balances its spending against its taxes and starts to pay off some of the enormous debt it owes to the world.
Federally funded social services and poverty aid
There are many faith-based, community-based, and non-profit organizations in the country that do enormous good for the poor and needy. Surely these organizations are better equipped in staffing, resources, and know-how than the federal government to continue providing these services. As a country, we should select organizations that we know will adequately and uniformly affect aid to Americans in need, and provide them with the lion's share of tax money allocated for this purpose.
Federal funding of welfare
Welfare is broken. There are families that desperately need the assistance provided by welfare. There are people who abuse the welfare system to "earn" a living. Welfare doesn't encourage people to find jobs. Welfare doesn't encourage companies to hire people who can't otherwise find jobs. There will always be people that are deserving outside of these parameters, but we should make sure that the people who are receiving the benefit of welfare are the correct people, and are receiving the correct kind of help rather than just handing out checks.
Federal funding of "corporate welfare"
This comes in two types, as I see it. The first, gifts to keep struggling corporations afloat. With changes in business practice and disclosure, we can eliminate the need for these benefits entirely. The market should be one of free structure, influenced by the government to the least extent possible. The second type is that of existing subsidies, as to farmers. My message is this: Stop planting corn that you can't sell. If farming doesn't pay, find another way of earning a living.
Security and terrorism
My first act as president will be to dismantle the idiotic department of homeland security. There will be no alert color status. There will be no press conferences. There will be no reorganization of hierarchy to affect better control of the military on US soil. We will not be insecure, however. There will be warnings issued to the appropriate personnel at the appropriate times as intelligence reports are confirmed. We can be observant, but we can't stop a determined terrorist from his attempts.
Likewise, there is no reason that the life of an average US citizen should be inconvenienced by these security measures unless they are a terrorist. The tenets of the Bill of Rights will be upheld. Personal security and privacy will be of the utmost importance. This is not a police state. This is not 1984.
Foreign affairs
We are the most significant political power in our time. We don't need guns to affect our power. In this vein, we will cease business with the allies of our enemies. Our enemies will cede our wishes.
We will cease trade with countries that offer no fair trade in return. See also: Japan. Our country will work and flourish, reborn once again as the mightiest manufacturing nation on the planet.
Weapons are a last resort in defense against terror from other nations. But they are not our most powerful asset.
Everyone is entitled to an education that will not only help them succeed at work but become more enriched, full people. Inspiring our children with ideas and ideals so that they might improve our nation is the only way will will last another 200 years. School vouchers will enable this to some extent, allowing children to attend schools that better fulfill their educational requirements.
Without a college education, many people will not be able to get the higher-paying jobs to even enter the middle class. More grants, scholarships, and incentives should be made available by the federal government to aid in college admissions.
Health Care
It's harder every year for older Americans to pay for prescriptions that they really shouldn't go without. The burden of the old becomes the burden of the youth, which is not a fair deal by a long stretch. It is not the business of the government to provide healthcare to its citizenry, but to ensure that healthcare is available fairly to those who need it.
Cloning is a hot-button issue in the media. If it doesn't infringe on an individual's rights or endanger the environment (thus infringing on many peoples' rights), it's not something that should be legislated.
Social Security
Social security is another federal program that is broken. Why should the young pay into this pyramid scheme, never to reap its benefits? The government isn't an investment bank. If you're young and not kidding yourself you're already not trusting in social security to hold you when you're retired. Social security should gracefully come to an end, and Americans should be counseled in how best to invest their money so they can retire without worry.
Illicit drug laws
"Don't do drugs, kids. We'll keep the borders clean of drugs." That all worked very well. I don't suggest to legalize drugs that are known to cause violence. If you want to mess up your body with drugs, that's your right. But don't light up in public places that don't allow drugs. And the consequences of your actions when you're on the drugs are your own. People can start taking responsibility for who they are and what they are without the government telling them what's best.
Convicted felons voting
Is this really an issue? If you've paid your dues, shouldn't you have a decision in the laws that affect you on the outside? I'm surprised that they're not allowed to vote on the inside of a prison, considering that they can still be affected by politics.
Gun Policy
The inevitable availability of guns in our world makes most attempts at regulating them impossible. But for the sake of safety and possible accountability, guns should be registered, perhaps even more strictly than they are now. I believe that the Second Amendment talks about arms in regard to forming a militia to overthrow an unjust government, not that everyone should be able to buy guns without prejudice or background checks. Responsible people should have the right to own guns for their protection or for sport.
Abortion Policy
I'm totally pro-choice. Your body is yours. I may not agree with your choices, but it is not within my rights to deny you yours. I find the current abortion laws completely adequate. I find sex education in this country completely inadequate. Fix the latter and we won't even have to talk about the former.
Environmental policy
The environment affects us all. The environment should have rights just as citizens have rights. Who else will defend the environment but the government. An organization that is not married to commercial or political concerns should be able to tackle the task of maintaining our environment.
Minority issues
The NAACP can take a long walk. There are not black rights. There are not white rights. There are no minority rights. There are only civil rights. You can't have both. Get it right. If you actually listen to what Martin Luther King says, you'll hear it.
Civil liberties
Everyone deserves an attempt at the American dream. That this inalienable concept requires writing down is quite bothersome.
Repeal the DMCA and Patriot Acts.
Computer and internet policy
This is rarely spoken of and I think it's one of the most important topics of our age. The government, although the originator of the beast, can lay little claim to what the internet has become. The government should do everything it can to allow the internet to be self-governing, perhaps as a start to a closer unified world. The government should follow and enforce policy as dictated by the clearly democratic voice of the internet.
With these general beliefs I match the current president at 27%. And Reverend Al Sharpton at 72%. But I'm a perfect match for the Libertarian candidate, all six of them.