Starting to feel a little woozy, but still doing alright. Only three and a half more hours to go. Only seven posts left to make.
There are some weird little bumps appearing on my right arm as I type. There is a seam in my desk where my arm rests on it, and as I move my hand/arm around, it’s pinching the skin of my arm ever so slightly. I guess normally it wouldn’t be so bad, but after sitting here for so many hours, it’s starting to do weird things to my arm.
What would really be nice is a shower. That’s the thing about staying up really long. There really aren’t hygene guidelines for people who intend not to sleep. After how many hours of wakedness should a person bathe to keep from turning into an oily pit of stinky goo?
Not that this describes me at all, just that I could probably use a shower.
Ok, then, enough of that.
I wonder if there are any movies that wouldn’t put me asleep. Oh, wait! I’m writing a story - that’s right!
Actually, I’m pretty far ahead with the story at this point. Only three hours left for that. I was expecting to post the final piece at 9am, if that’s what you’re wondering. And so it shall be.