It’s been a while since I’ve written anything WordPress-ish, and I figured it’s about time to get back into the swing, now that some contract work is coming to a close and I’ll have some “free” time. (Incidentally, I’d much rather be working for the dolla’s. We’ve been so busy that our Shimmer Studio site is still incomplete, but if you need some creative development work done email me!)
Through the work I’ve been doing for clients, I’ve noticed that some of my plugins could use some dusting off and reconditioning, especially in preparation for the WordPress 1.6 launch, which doesn’t seem too far off now. I’m going to guess that by sometime around Thanksgiving we’ll see a public beta.
So my question to you is this: What plugin would you most like to see upgraded or enhanced for the 1.6 release?
There are quite a few to choose from here, and I’m willing to look at other people’s plugins for ideas on ports for 1.6. For example, I know at least one person who would really like the View Levels plugin to work on 1.6. Currently, it has no hope. A rewrite would make it so.
If you have some suggestions as to where I should focus my efforts, please leave them in comments.
Please note that any comment with the word “plugin” in it automatically goes directly to moderation! It’s my safeguard for preventing people from asking about plugins on posts concerning personal tragedy. But you’re welcome to discuss your plugin desires on this post.
Also, there is some functionality that I want in 1.6 that isn’t there. Some hooks I’ve surreptitiously added to the core code should allow me to provide some of these enhanced features. We’ll see how that goes.
Note that we WordPress hackers have tentatively earmarked the weekend of November 5th as a bug-squishing weekend. So if you’re intersted in helping out with that effort, check into Trac.
Today’s WordPress plan: Hang out with the other Philly Bloggers at the meetups - WordPress and Webloggers. If you’re interested on such incredibly short notice, I’ll see you there shortly.