I received five messages about various plugins of mine today. I don’t think I’ve gotten so many in one day before. Hopefully, I’ve resolved everyone’s issues.

There is a new plugin online for y’all. It’s called “Countdown”, and it lets you maintain a list of events like the ones you see in my sidebar under “Dates To Remember”. You basically drop the plugin and a dates.txt file into your plugin directory, enable the plugin, add the output code to your WordPress template (read the readme.txt), update the dates file through the WP admin, and poof. You’ve got birthdays and holidays and all.

One nice thing that it does that you won’t expect is that it will let you specify a date that recurs, like a birthday, or a date that is a one-time event, like this year’s office Christmas party. Even nicer is that you can specify dates like “2nd monday september” and it’ll figure it out every year.

The included dates.txt file has settings in it already for Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, and Daylight Savings. You should add your own.

Download it from the usual place.