
Posts tagged: camping

Gunn Island

Over the weekend, Riley, my dad, and I went on a weekend camping trip to Gunn Island via HipCamp. We had to take a canoe and a kayak to the island with all of our gear to set up. It was a pretty neat experience, both in the doing and that I got to spend time with Riley and my dad together.

I put some details into ChatGPT about the trip and asked it to make up a story. We all thought this one was pretty amusing, if not entirely accurate. Riley suggests that it should have provided more detail on the mollusk attacks, and I completely agree. Nonetheless, enjoy.

Camp Gear

In late July, Riley and I will be traveling to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico for two weeks of backcountry hiking with his Boy Scout troop. We’ll be joining a trek with other scouts from his troop that will span 12 days of hiking, and is likely to hit 7 of the tallest mountains in the region.

Of course, I’m all about the gear.