
Well, apparently the President of the United States made a stop in Downingtown today to rally his forces behind the Republican candidates that are up for election this year.  The interesting part is that he stopped at the sports complex across the street from Kruse.

Traffic wasn't too horrible getting to work this morning, but Ken was out at the end of the driveway shooing cars away that thought they might park in our lot.  I can see a case for liability there.

Anyway, several military helicopters flew over and landed at the complex.  Presumably, one of them was carrying the president.  There were pictures floating around the office, but I didn't see any good ones.  Mostly, they were of the bushes up on the corner of Gallagherville Road, which cover anything interesting going on at the sport center's basketball courts.  It's a totally different kind of Bush Picture.

This entry marks the first use of the new PageCat article editor, which should allow me to make changes to articles after they are written, amongst other interesting features.  Won't that be nice?