
There must be intelligent life down here

A Mock Me

After work in the client’s Hollywood office, I took some time to walk down Sunset looking for something to do and/or eat.

What strikes me as an oddity in bars in LA is that there doesn’t seem to be any draft beer. Surely, I haven’t been in many bars here, but of the ones I have been in (and there are a few within walking range of my hotel on Sunset) there isn’t a single tap. It’s all about cocktails.

Flight to LA

I’m about four hours and ten minutes into this light to LA, and I’d like to take an account of the experience of travelling by plane these days, since in the near future, everyone will be cryogenically frozen when they leave their car at the airport and loaded onto their destination flight. For their protection, of course.

The first thing I would like to complain about is the passenger in front of me, who is one of those people who believe that it is their duty, without the regard for the people around them, to recline their seat into my face for the duration of the flight. I think that in this age where the leg room and, lets face it, breathing room of the jet capacity is so low, that people would be considerate of their fellow man and just not do it. I know you’re awake. Sit up! Sit up!

Time to Fork

It’s been since October with these Habari people, and I’m totally through. It’s not worth it any more.

Day after ceaseless day, the agony of having decisions by committee… It’s finally gotten the best of me. I thought I could handle it, but it’s just not working out.


Having an uncommon name is a blessing and a curse. I like my name, which is interesting because there are many people who do not. I do not recall the exact numbers, but there as a large percentage of people in a recent Wii poll who did not like their own name.

What’s nice about an uncommon name is that you don’t get confused with other people. It’s very easy to request “” instead of the lousy “” because there aren’t many Owens to request the address. You don’t have to postfix the uncommon name with a last initial for disambiguation.