
There must be intelligent life down here

Pennsylvania Hates Gay People

I had written before about the Marriage Amendment to the US Constitution. About how it does not explicitly deny states the ability to grant similar rights to homosexual couples as to heterosexual couples. Well, Pennsylvania lawmakers are forging ahead with insanity and codifying discrimination into our laws.

You can’t make laws to tell someone how to behave unless their behavior imposes on your rights. Since homosexual coupling is not affecting you personally, you have no business telling anyone that they can’t do it.

Just Then

Sorry in advance for when this doesn’t make any sense.

I drove Abby to school this morning we were listening to this music on the ride. So we weren’t talking. I can try to think of it as a moment of quiet together, but really it’s just needless quiet. I wonder what she’s thinking. Every moment. Every second. Don’t waste it. Be together.

Best. Birthday Weekend. Evar.

This “best birthday ever” began on Friday when I decided that I would reboot my computer to allow a few Windows Update items to refresh. As I detailed in another post, the computer took a dive. I spent most of my spare time over the weekend fixing that. It’s still not complete, but I do have a working OS now. And that’s just the beginning of the fun.

Saturday morning while I was working on the computer and Berta was moving some laundry around, the kids decided to play on the stairs against all other instructions not to, and yes, there was an incident. Abby came out pretty much unscathed. Riley looks pretty beat up, like he landed on his nose. They had a good hour’s cry and nobody was happy.

This PC Is Toast

I have many, many gigs of data (home movies, photos, software downdoads) on a physical ATA drive in my desktop PC. I don’t want to lose it. Last night while performing a routine system restore, my system booted to an error message “The application or DLL MSVCP60.DLL is not a valid system image. Please verify against your installation disk.” I clicked OK and was left with a black screen and a mouse pointer. No OS.

Troubleshooting this issue has been a nightmare. I’ve tried using the Windows recovery console to replace that file. I’ve tried several linux live CDs, which either don’t boot (Ubuntu) or can’t see my SATA boot drive (Knoppix) or refuse to burn onto a CD from Berta’s PC (Unbuntu again). I’m now at the point that I’ve tried restoring Windows - twice. It gets to a point where it asks for a driver for my motherboard right after it drops USB support, so I can’t type or use the mouse.