
There must be intelligent life down here


Do I need more traffic? Maybe not, but I’d like more commenters. So I’ve joined BlogExplosion.

Basically, you sign up for BlogExplosion, and you go and visit a bunch of sites that they pick for you at random. For each site you view, you get credits that you can trade to push your site in front of other BlogExplosion surfers.

Opening Pandora's Box

When I was younger, I received a book of fairy tales. Think Brothers Grimm. I don’t remember that the stories were particularly horrifying; on the contrary, they were probably dulled at the edges like most Grimm books for children are. But the book did eat at my psyche for a very specific reason.

Somewhere near the back of the book was the story of Pandora and her box of evils. I recall being a fan of Greek myth in my youth, and I don’t really thing that the story itself had anything to do with the misgivings I had for the book, but you never know.

Site Redesign Bids

Well, Asymptomatic’s five year anniversary is at the end of the month. And in keeping with the (new last year) tradition, I’m looking for a site redesign. Unfortunately, I’m too busy to do it.

So, here’s the plan. I’m accepting bids for the new site design. I’ll tell you what I have in mind, and you can quote me. And if your plan is acceptable, we’ll deal.

The Comment Assault Continues

Yawn. You comment spammers have lost your innovation. I’ve been using the same technique to block you for the past week, and you still haven’t caught on. Weirdly, I know you’re reading this, and yet I still taunt you.

Well, all this time you’ve been wasting sending comments that will simply never appear on my site (and what the heck does “get eraaced man” mean anyway? and what the heck does it have to do with “texas holdem” or “debt consolidation”?) , I’ve been designing more effective ways to keep you away. In fact, I already know what the weak spot is in what’s working to keep you out, and have already plugged that hole and more.