
There must be intelligent life down here

Jonah Goldberg

I used to read Jonah Goldberg from the National Review Online a lot. He seems like a pretty reasonable guy, even if I occasionally disagree with him.

What disgusts me are those people who say toppling Saddam and fighting the terror war on their turf rather than ours is a mistake, not because these are bad ideas, but merely because your vanity cannot tolerate the notion that George W. Bush is right or that George W. Bush's rightness might cost John Kerry the election.

Marriott Grande Vista Panorama

In this photo you can see the lighthouse that is the centerpiece of the resort, as well as some of the golf course in the foreground. The building that we actually stayed in is the one on the far right, which is near the entry gate and not too far from the pool You can even see the duck boats that Abby and I rode in on the lake.

I’m going to post the interior pictures that I took on Monday in a later post, after I get them out of the notebook. I took these on Friday, so they were still in the camera.

Compound Stupid

A career? I've thought about this quite a bit sir and I would have to say considering what's waiting out there for me, I don't want to sell anything, buy anything or process anything as a career. I dont want to sell anything bought or processed or buy anything sold or processed or repair anything sold, bought or processed as a career. I dont want to do that. My father's in the army. He wants me to join, but I can't work for that corporation, so what I've been doing lately is kick-boxing, which is a new sport... as far as career longevity, I dont really know. I cant figure it all out tonight, sir, so I'm just gonna hang with your daughter.