
There must be intelligent life down here

New Year's Eve 2004

For readers who don't know, I was in Times Square for New Year's Eve this year.

A while back - like, before New Year's 2003 - my mom had considered aloud getting a room in Times Square to see the ball drop.  I told her that there photos was no way she could get a room so soon to the event, and that it might not be possible at all.  So when she asked, "If I get one, will you go?" I agreed.  Not so much because I didn't believe she could, but on the off-chance that she did, I didn't want to miss out on the opportunity.

1 Day Off

Boy, am I glad Christmas is over.

I probably should have documented more of the holiday as it was happening, but there was so much else to do.  Between the gift buying and holiday parties and family gatherings and making of chocolate candies, there hasn't been much time for anything.

Mall Guerilla Radicalism of the Future

I was walking around the mall and thought of some neat ways that ambitious kids could get their message out, whatever it might be.

I may have read something about these things in a book somewhere, but I don't recall where, so I'll rewrite the ideas as I have envisioned them.  Keep in mind that none of these items are meant to physical cause harm to anyone.  Apart from these ideas being completely imaginary and radical, anyone foolish enough to try to subvert them after they've been employed without a bit of research deserves what they get.