Philadelphia Radio Sucks
This topic has bothered me for quite a while. Having been involved in radio in college, thus provided with a small glimpse of how the radio industry works, the whole idea of radio in this area has me rather perturbed.
The idea of radio came to mind the other day when I was answering a survey question that asked, "Music or talk radio?" I thought about this for a while. I have 6 preset buttons on the radio in my car, which is primarily where I listen to the radio. Of those, all but one is set to music radio. But I probably listen to the talk station more than all of the others combined, simply because I can't stand what's on the music channels.
The primary music station for my tastes around here is Y100. They play "Modern Rock". Today that translates to, "bands that sound like Limp Bizkit." A year ago it translated to, "bands that sound like Creed." And the year before that it translated to, "bands that sound like Dave Matthews Band." Basically, the idea is to throw together a bunch of tunes that sound the most like the most popular pop rock band out there, mix in new tunes from a few classic acts (like the awful, awful new stuff by the Red Hot Chili Peppers) and vomit it out onto the airwaves.