
I added a calendar feature to PageCat, as you can see if you look in the rightmost column of the home page.  It allows you to display a calendar and highlight days on which you have written articles.  There are many different ways to configure it, although I'm sure I'll find some way to improve it in the near future.

I think I need to work some more on the image selection feature so that it's easier to get images online.  In my next weblog entry I will knock all of my pictures off the home page.


I have this routine written in PHP for PageCat that basically looks through a directory for a filenames that match a certain regular expression, then includes them, like this:

So this usually works.  But for some reason, every so often, it just stops working.  I mean, it's going along fine for a few days, and then all of a sudden BLAM!  And then it doesn't work any more at all.