
There must be intelligent life down here

Today's Imporatant Lesson

Permit me to pass on some advice.

When someone you don’t know contacts you and asks you reasonable questions, treat them like a rock star. Treat them like they’re the most important person in the world while you’re writing your reply. Reply to them as though your happiness was dependent on their happines with your reply; perhaps not with the content of your message, but with the clarity and willingness to respond.

You never know - one of those people might actually be a rock star.

User Testing Parable

A bunch of cavemen are sitting around the fire one night, thinking about how they’re going to portion out the latest boar they’ve killed as it roasts on the spit.

An innovative caveman looks about the cave and spies a rock laying next to a pile of sharp bones left over from their last kill. He grabs the rock and exclaims in caveman-speak, “With this rock, I will beat on the boar meat until it separates into pieces of somewhat equal size, and we can all share.”