
By the way… I just wanted to mention that I’ve now seen the entire first season of the new Battlestar Galactica, and if you will just give me a copy of the upcoming broadcast season I will gladly perform any service you like - network install, gutter cleaning, murder, whatever - just so I can get over the cliffhanger.

Oh, man… In that last episode, when ***** finds out that ***** is a Cylon, and then when s/he does what s/he does on Galactica. Holy crap! I will say that I was kind of disappointed with the “Don’t shoot her” aspect of the Caprica storyline, but it was worth it for what followed.

I’m very interested in the mythology of the thirteen colonies. I hope that SciFi uses the downtime of the series effectively to build interest by releasing a brief but steady stream of Kobol history on their web site. I doubt anyone over there is so forward-thinking, though.

Anyhow, just thought I’d tease you BSG fans a little bit. Wanna see the remaining three episodes yourself? You can find them online, because they aired on Sky TV outside the US a month or two ago. This series is definitely a DVD purchase when it’s available.

I want to open up the comments for spoilers, so if you are following SciFi’s broadcast of the show, stop reading now, but come back again when the first season ends in April.