
Have you noticed that a large percentage of the people who bother to comment here are in Europe? I find this interesting because I’m not in Europe yet I seem to have a European appeal. What’s that all about? Americans are apparently stingy with their comments.

Anyway, I wanted to share a couple of my internal (as in - not posted on this site anywhere already) blog links with you today. My presentation of these links is not a guarantee that you’ll like any of them, but now you’ll have a small taste of what insanity flavors my output when I start writing Stuff (as mentioned in the title) for this site.

First is Jennsylvania. I like the way Jen writes, often times in spite of the views she has on certain topics. The recent coyote incident (April 6, 2005) was quite humorous. I’ve gotta suggest that she moves over to WordPress, though - Homestead has no permalinks.

Second is Popcorn Tree. I don’t know why I read this blog. Lots of memes and kind of girlie. But genuine. Another candidate for the WP switchover.

I have been trying to determine if I regularly read any blogs by males that strike me in the same way that these blogging women do. Most of you male readers (yes, I visit your blogs when you comment here) are technophiles or have weird rabid male interests that don’t overlap with mine, like Nascar or Hunting or PC Gaming. And so, have you read Gregory’s Diaryland?

Partial disclosure: Greg was my roommate at Pitt, and he may or may not answer to the label “writer”. I wouldn’t call him “Gregory”, but yet he signs everything that way, which has the same effect on me as when I found out that Bob is “Rob” to his family but nobody else, Michung changed her name to “Mimi” when she moved to New York, and that Allen is “Allen” within 50 miles of Philly, but “Bud” everywhere else in the nation.

Interesting also to note that Greg posts infrequently, contributing significantly to a high signal to noise ratio. I should try that.