
I guess I took a couple of days “off” to recouperate from the Fios install. I’ll write about that soon enough. Gotta have pictures of the vital parts so’s I can describe it to you.

Friday night, Mom watched Abby, so Berta and I had Saturday morning to ourselves. I went out for bagels from Einstein Bros. They were out of plain bagels, so I got blueberry cream cheese on blueberry bagels. Not as much overkill as you might expect.

In the evening, I visited Dave and Larry for the typical night of D&D. Without Ken we were pretty much at a los of what to do. Then I came up with an idea and told them to make characters. It was not a fantastic idea, but I did ask for a cleric. I got a cleric and a wizard. They’re both non-violent.

Have you ever tried to play a game of 3.5 D&D with non-violent characters? Yeah, that doesn’t work so well. For instance, the game doesn’t provide a method to award experience to characters who try not to fight. The ad-hoc XP awards are severely lacking in this regard. I just gave them a lot.

Sunday was a wash, I guess. We didn’t do much of anything. There was a grocery shopping trip that we didn’t all take. We tried to take both of the kids to Wegman’s but I wasn’t really comfortable keeping Riley in the grocery store and rushing around with Abby trying to pick all of our groceries in the hour we had before his feeding time. Riley likes to get noisy when he’s hungry, you see. He was “squeaking” when we were trying to eat lunch in the grocery store.

So Berta dropped me and the kids at home, and I sat with them while she did the shopping. I fed Riley and both he and Abby fell asleep before Berta came home with the food.

Apart from that, not much happened. I registered my feed reader (FeedDemon) and I find the pre-packaged A-list sites lacking. Nevermind that I’m a proponent of spreading out the power curve anyway, I’d rather have a list of regular content to read and produce a nice output of. I guess I could move the Asymptomatic “Feeds” menu to the feedreader and take off that server load (does anyone out there read this besides me?) but I’m not sure that I want to keep reading those feeds. Gadgetopia is cool, but I’m not crazy about the tone of Gizmodo. Engadget’s writing is less stupid, but they don’t cover everything. At least, that’s how it seems to me.

So beyond those, I’m looking for a few good daily reads to add to my subscription list. I’m trying to build my own little mental community here. I’ll add the sites that I already read on the web pretty regularly (man, you guys need to publish full posts, not just excerpts - especially you few who take a paragraph or two to warm up to the topic you want to write about) but I’d like to try a couple new sites. Any ideas?