
There must be intelligent life down here


I added a ping feature to PageCat which will allow me to automatically update several weblog monitoring services whenever I add a new article.  Actually, I have to push a button, but I only have to push one button.  I should really automate this entire process.

This article isn't so much to tell you about my wonderful ping progress as it is to test whether the pinging is actually working or not.  Since I need to use a new article.  I'm sure you understand.

The Gym

So I've started going to the gym.  Actually, I've been there once.  It took me a couple of weeks to get in because I signed up and they were supposed to call me to arrange an orientation, but they never did.  So I took it into my own hands on Saturday and showed up on my own.  And when I sat down at the complicated looking sycling machine, I had no idea what I was doing.  So I asked for help and things started falling into place.

I got a guy (I think he might have been an owner or partner) to show me enough equipment to get started.  They had quite a few machines there for working out.  The ones that I tried were strength and cardio related.  They all worked pretty well.

Relaxing Weekend?

Well, there's been great email discussion regarding my personal dislike of D&D 3.5 rules.  I really don't want to have anything to do wtih them, but it seems like I'm the only person that doesn't see an advantage to using those rules.

Might this be a case of each member of our group assuming that all of the other members wanted to use the new rules, even though they did not want to themselves?  And as a result, they suggested using the new rules to appease the other players?  And as a matter of suggesting, they simply went out and bought the 3.5 books, figuring that's where we would end up anyway?  And now everyone has the new books already and wouldn't want to go back for having wasted the money on the new book?  I am so delusional.

Winkler for President - Political Platform

Wouldn't it be great if you could just get a few signatures to get on the presidential ballot?  Thse who got more signatures could be toward the top, that's fine.  Maybe only the top 20 or 30 candidates would appear.  But the media would be forced to provide equal time to each candidate on air/in print to hear their views.

I recently took some online poll to determine who I would like to vote for for president in 2004.  I wasn't very happy with the results because all of the candidates only supported half of my positions.  What a crock!  Isn't there a candidate that supports all of my ideals?  Now there is...