
I have updated the MicroWiki code to fix a couple of bugs and add move and delete capabilities.

For those who are unfamiliar with MicroWiki, you can use it with my EzStatic plugin (or by itself) to create a wiki inside your WordPress layout that is independent from the posts/pages structure of WordPress. You can choose to use WordPress authentication (only WordPress authors on your blog can modify the wiki), integrated authentication (where every user has a password that is maintained by MicroWiki), or no authentication (like most vanilla wikis). It’s a nice and simple one-file solution if you’re looking to add user-contributed documentation to your blog. Check out my installation of MicroWiki.

Microwiki also keeps previous revisions and allows you to roll back changes, which WordPress doesn’t do even with some of the Wikifying plugins that are out there.

Another new thing I added was simpler link formatting, so you can use a [link|text] format for your links. The old format of [[link][text]] still works, as do WikiWords.

Maybe I should write an add-on that filters WordPress posts for wiki links and forwards them to the appropriate MicroWiki page. Hmm, that’s a good idea…

My eventual goal is to move my hacks page into the wiki, and have all of the downloads and documentation managed by MicroWiki. Fun stuff.